When jackals are starved for too long, wild boars hiding in caves 20M deep cannot escape death.

The African wild dog, also known as the hyena, is a wild animal native to Africa. they live and hunt in packs, A pack of African wild dogs can contain from 10 to 40 individuals.

The African wild dog is adapted to environments as diverse as grasslands, forests, hilly grasslands, and even desert regions. They are distributed in several African countries, including Botswana, Namibia, Tanzania, Zimbabwe and Mozambique.

African wild dogs are predators and they often hunt in packs. They use their agility and ability to run far to chase their prey until they get tired. Hyenas usually hunt smaller animals such as antelope and wild boar.

The video below captures 10 wild dogs digging a burrow for a wild boar on a hunting trip. The wild boar entrenched in the cave, thinking it would escape, but the hungry wild dogs were determined not to give up. Digging holes to catch wild boars to eat meat to satisfy hunger.

After a while of digging, the jackals finally pulled the stubborn Wild Boar out of the cave, was pulled out of the cave suddenly, the wild boar could not keep his composure and was surrounded by wild dogs. attack attack.

10 wild dogs competed to bite each other causing the wild boar to scream in pain, the wild boar tried to escape but failed, after a while of struggling the wild boar was exhausted and then fainted from the wound. Pigs only know how to lie still and endure the battle while the bloodthirsty dogs bite every fiber, eating meat in an extremely horrible way.






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